USER ACCOUNTS: Account passwords created prior to this update have been cleared from our database. If you have an existing account, please follow the instructions below to reset your password. Disregard this step if you have already requested a new password and able to login. To request a password reset, simply follow this link or use the forgot password option and enter the email address associated with your existing account. Once you have requested to reset your password, you will received an email with instructions on how to create your new password. If you have any difficulty with this process, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
USER LISTINGS: In order to offer more listing options and features, we have updated our database to handle these changes. While we made every attempt to keep ALL existing listings, there were some that didn't make the cut due to various circumstances. If you find your listing is missing or doesn’t look quite right...go ahead and relist or edit your listing.
We appreciate any feedback to help us in improving your MojoVillage experience. Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions.
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